Key Questions to Ask a Board Certified Plastic Surgery Before Scheduling a Procedure

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Asking the correct questions is essential when considering plastic surgeries Imagine your first date with a surgeon, only you’re entrusting him with your health and looks. What should be your first question? Here’s some advice to help you make a confident decision.

1. What Are You Qualified for?

Why would you let anyone operate on you? Ensure that your surgeon’s credentials are board-certified. Do they have any training or experience? Ask about their training and experience.

2. How many time have you performed the procedure?

Experience counts. A surgeon who has done the same procedure dozens of times is a good sign. It means that they are experienced in dealing with different situations.

3. Can I view before and after photographs?

Right? Look at the photos before and after to get a better idea. In addition, the photos show how skilled the surgeon is.

4. What Are the risks and potential complications?

Every surgery carries some risk. You need to be aware of what can go wrong with the procedure and how often it occurs. A good physician will inform you of any possible problems.

5. What will the recovery be like?

Recovery is not always the same for everyone. Some people are able to bounce back faster while others heal more slowly. Inquire about your recovery, pain control, and when it will be possible to resume normal activities.

6. What are the costs and financing options?

Money talks! Ask for a breakdown of your costs including the actual surgery, any required anesthesia, as well as follow-up treatment or appointments.

7. Do you have any hospital privileges?

If something goes wrong in surgery (knocking on wood), your doctor can admit you straight to the hospital, if further care is needed.

8. What type(s) of anesthesia will you use?

The type of anesthesia used for each procedure is different.

Who Will be my surgical team members?

Your surgeon will not be working alone. They’ll also have assistants, nurses and other medical professionals on hand. Knowing the names of those involved in your surgery can help you feel more secure.

10. How Should I prepare for Surgery?

Preparation will ensure a smooth day of the operation and a quick recovery. Pre-op instructions are important, whether it is to fast or avoid certain medications.

What happens if you are not satisfied with your results?

It is possible that things will not go according to plan despite your best efforts. Before making changes, discuss the revision policy so that you are not surprised.

You will feel much more in control of the situation if you prepare these questions beforehand.